We have an opportunity to join together so...
We Can Do Better!
Help David make a difference
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Here are ways you can help:
A great way to support David is to educate your community. Invite friends, neighbors, or colleagues over for some snacks, conversation, and to meet your future Wayne County Commissioner, David Hotz.
House Parties don’t require a large budget and can be of any size. Don't miss an opportunity to help educate your peers on the issues and connect David to the issues you value most. Contact us and let's make a social gathering that can make a difference in your community.
Seeking passionate people looking to be apart of a movement to improve our community and Wayne County. Volunteering is a great way to participate in our political system, learn skills and open doors to the future.
The best way to make sure a campaign represents your values is to get involved with the campaign. We can't influence our political climate or policies unless people directly get involved. This is also a great opportunity to learn from the candidate and put a foot in the door for your own future.
The best campaigns are funded by the community. We need your support to take the fight to special interests and extremists plaguing our political system.
By contributing, you'll be supporting a strong voice in our county commission. He will stand up and fight for our families, our children, and ensure Wayne County's future is bright. Help us meet our deadline and grow our movement. Please contribute today, every dollar makes a world of difference.